顯示具有 wwdc2012 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章
顯示具有 wwdc2012 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

2012年6月11日 星期一

wwdc2012 Siri and iOS6

"I'm happy to announce iOS 6."

 "iOS 6 is a fantastic release. It has more than 200 new features, starting with Siri."

"Siri has only been out 8 months, and it does so much for you. Siri is fantastic. But she's been studying up. Here's what she can do in iOS 6."


wwdc2012 OSX 新系統功能介紹

    "AirPlay, without hacks. " apple 工程師 Craig Federighi 如此說著

    And now we're here to announce Mountain Lion.

We're improving our Chinese input method. Providing a new Chinese dictionary. In Safari, we're adding support for Baidu."


Macbook pro wwdc2012發表會

    Macbook pro wwdc2012發表會 傳聞中的新機也終於正式登場,apple以'There's never been a notebook this gorgeous. Let's turn it around.'稱呼他.....

    "It's thinner than my finger"

    "There's never been a notebook this gorgeous. Let's turn it around."
